Time which should be objective (60 seconds in a minutes, 60 minutes in an hour) is actually subjective. Some days seem so long while some days seem too short. Well today was a long day. After 4 blissful weeks of perfect health—my son caught a cold. (Par for the course when you have a kid in daycare.) So with my eyes half open, I sprung into Mommy/Nurse mode. I wasted no time reaching for the Vicks and slathering it on his feet (don't laugh, it works!). Then I gave him a dose of Tylenol, a drink of water, and set up the humidifier. I tried to tip toe out the door but the crying started again. So I had to rock him for another 30 minutes. Then it took me like another hour to get back to sleep. So with the lack of sleep, this day has seemed ten times longer than it should be. Maybe I'll go to bed early tonight. Or not.
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