Sometimes I wonder exactly what is going on inside his head. Today was a particularly trying day for the both of us. We went to run some errands and hit Taco Bell for lunch. I left him at the table with the tray of food and I turned to get some napkins. In a split second he had snatched the tray and managed to waste all of his nacho chips on the floor. At that point the crying started. He recovered from that and then threw a fit in Target because he wanted to ride in the bottom of the cart and not in the top. By the time we got to Walmart I wasn't going to take any chances. I yanked his portable DVD player out of the car and placed him the basket and turned it on. I walked through Walmart for 20 blissful minutes in silence. So to recap, not going to win the Greatest Mother Award but at least I got all my shopping done.
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