Today two thing happened. First I woke up and discovered three of the best words in the English language: OUT FOR DELIVERY. Secondly, I realized that somewhere between my early to mid-twenties and now (solidly 30) I lost my desire and love of shopping for myself. When I was younger I could spend hours upon hours in the mall searching for the perfect thing and I would leave with bags full of stuff. Now I drag myself around the mall and can't be bothered to try anything on and usually leave feeling like I just wasted hours of my life that I will never get back. Which brings me back to the first thing that happened; my notice that my box from Gymboree would be arrive TODAY. And so it did.
Today's picture is an homage to Gymboree. (The only Gym I run into with any regularity.) It was taken with my Macro lense that I got for Christmas and just look at how the texture pops off the page! In my former life I was a Graphic Artist, an excellent one by the way, and I loved typography. Have you ever really noticed that all the other letters in the word Gymboree are capitalized except the 2 e's?
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