Friday, February 26, 2010
Day 48 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
So as you are scrubbing your toilets you probably think (like I did), "what a thankless job." Well my friends I am here to tell you that one day you will be thanking yourself. Today was that day for me. I woke up at about 6 in the morning with my stomach in knots. I crawled down the stairs and tried to drink something to settle my stomach - didn't work. So I found myself curled up on the floor of the bathroom admiring my toilet up close and personal. Let's just say I was very thankful it was lemony fresh.
Day 47 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
Ahhhh Suburbia. I am officially a resident of the suburbs. Before this move we lived in downtown St. Louis and my husband wouldn't dare let me out at night to work on my night photography. So I decided to take advantage of being in the 'burbs. Unfortunately the winds were gusting at like 20 mph and it was about to start snowing. I almost lost my poor camera and tripod to the concrete.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Day 46 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
So I've decided that this is my favorite part of the house. The stairs and the two story foyer. We are probably going to spend a million dollars in heat, but it's worth it. Now ask me if I feel the same way tomorrow when we get pounded with snow. Maybe I should invest in a Snuggie.
Day 45 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
This is my dryer. My new best friend. It has more buttons than a space craft. And it comes equipped with this lovely feature called Wrinkly Guard 150. (Maybe they should call it Wrinkle Guard 2.0, sounds more hi-tech.) As a result, I have not touched an iron since I've been in this house. I just throw my clothes (and Wildman's) clothes in the dryer and 5-10 minutes later I come back to wrinkle free items. Sweet!
Unfortunately, it is the only part of the set that is working. After waiting all day for a repairman to come and fix the washer, he showed up as the day was almost over, and realized that yet again he could not fix the washer. So now I have to wait until next Tuesday to get my washer fixed. grrrrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaatttt.
Day 44 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
So once again you have to suffer through my thesis workings. My homework is always due on Monday so you will probably be bored by this every Monday. :-) I have decided to extend my power line series to include some houses. The overall idea is to have the viewer make their own conclusion on the interaction of man with nature. Stay awhile and ponder on that.
Day 43 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
What do you do when you have an empty house and a much coveted snow shovel? This picture answers that question.
Today was a crazy day. It started off alright but by the end of the day Wildman and I were both sick. He was busy puking on our new cream carpet and I was hacking and had lost my voice. Nothing is getting done around here for awhile!
Day 42 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
Hooray! We are finally in our new house. And no you aren't getting any pictures until I get a chance to unpack and decorate. So here is one area of the house that I am not happy with, the closet in my son's room. The bar in the closet might be 2ft across. What am I supposed to do with this thing? My son has more clothes than I do, and his closet is expanding more rapidly than mine. Guess I'll be making a trip to my local Lowe's to figure out something to triple the size of this closet.
Day 41 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
I hate diapers. Hate. Hate. Hate. My biggest joy about moving into my new house will be switching back to cloth diapers. Every time I have to spend $18 on a box of diapers (that the bigger they get the fewer diapers you get for your money!) I just want to cry. So here is (hopefully) the last box of Huggies that I will have to buy for a long time. He does wear disposable diapers at daycare but we only go through about one box every month and a half at home. Counting down the days....
Day 40 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
Here is my confession. When my husband and I first started dating I used to wear heels all the time. All.the.time. That carried on well into our marriage. It got so bad that my husband would insist that I take a pair of flats with me "in case I needed to run". So that was my thing. And then I got pregnant and demoted myself to "Mommy shoes". All my shoes were either flip flops, tennis shoes, or flat boots. Chasing after a two year old just seems easier that way. So when my husband told me to go buy some heels for myself I jumped at the chance. Don't know where I will wear these, but I am in love with them none the less.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thanks for your patience.
I am in the final stages of my move. And unfortunately I will be without internet until Monday. So once again, no more updates until Tuesday.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Day 39 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
So if you are like me an indulged in the tv show Desperate Housewives of Atlanta, then you should know Derek Blanks. If you don't, he is the guy who does those AWESOME alter ego shoots which combines two pictures of the same person into one. I am thinking about doing "Mom Alter Egos" for my thesis and have started using myself as the guinea pig. Here is my first combined shot. The lighting is super awful but it was more about being able to combine the two images seamlessly. Now that part I rocked!
Day 38 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
Sometimes a camera phone is all I have. If I was rocking one of those hot new Ephiphanie camera bags I would always have my Nikon handy. But I digress. So this was a quick trip into Toys R' Us. Or at least it was supposed to be. I had done the classic Mom trick... you know you say you're going to leave them and you turn the corner waiting for them to come running after you. Well I turned the corner and waited, and waited, and waited. So I had no choice but to go back and see what is keeping him from joining me. Well it looks like he found his own ride home.
Day 37 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
So this is one of the images that I have been working on for my thesis. I have been working for the last semester on images of trees and power lines. There is a powerful narrative between the chaotic lines of trees mixed with the straight power lines made by man. Don't know if I will stick with this for my thesis once the leaves come back but it sure has been fun.
Day 36 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
Oh today was a good day. I got to photograph a sweet 5 week old. He was giving us a run for our money by refusing to go to sleep. But finally after some alone time with his Daddy he gave in.
I'm just going to go ahead and say it. Photographing newborns is hazardous to my health. How can you look at their tiny little precious faces and not want another kid?
Day 35 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
Today we traveled up to Delaware to close on our house. It was a complete and total nightmare and if I ever see those sellers in the street I might throw something at them. The highways were relatively clear but once we got to the house for the walk through there was about 5 ft of snow keeping us from the house. The crazy people didn't do any snow removal. So here we are with a two year old, no snow shovel, and no access to our new house. Night.mare.
So we didn't even bother with it anymore. We went back to our temporary place and tried to make the best of things. The wild one didn't even notice. He thinks every new place is just a hotel, so it was business as usual for him.
Day 34 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
I know what you're thinking... Where on earth did she find that super cute Mohawk hat? Well I made it. Yes this is the project that I have been so passionately knitting for the past few days. Now I'm hooked. I'm going to need to make another one a size bigger for next year.
But on to today's events. Today Wildman got the shock of his life. He was sitting at daycare, reading a book and waiting for Mommy to show back up. Well surprise, surprise, Mommy showed up with Daddy in tow. He heard his Daddy's voice before he saw him - then he shot across the room like a rocket. For the rest of the day it was like I didn't even exist.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Still snapping - just not posting
I am in the process of moving. So while I am still snapping I just have not had a chance to upload. Hopefully I will get everything up to date by Tuesday. See you then!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Day 33 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
Today I got to take another wonderful (not!) visit to the dentist. When I went in to the dentist it was barely snowing, but on the way out was a whole different story! It was that wonderful powdery snow that sticks to everything and makes for great pictures. So with half my mouth numb I went outside and took pictures until my fingers were as numb as my mouth.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Day 32 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
So this day was a whirl wind of crap that comes up when you are buying a house. But thankfully it ended up on a good note. So as a result I spent the day on pins and needles, knitting to save my sanity. Other than that I finally proofed some pictures and rewarded myself with one of those yummy Valentine's Day lollipops. Mmmmmmmmm
Monday, February 8, 2010
Day 31 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
This picture pretty much sums up my day. And sorry it is another camera phone picture (it was close by). This is yet another cabinet break in, accompanied with pulling everything out on to the floor and then just laying in it.
The morning started with me catching him with a penny in his mouth - heart attack #1, him almost busting out the back door and falling down the steps into the garage - heart attack #2, and him throwing screaming, crying, fits of rage because he couldn't talk to his Daddy on Skype. Mommy needs a time out.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Day 30 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
So after getting off to a rocky start, the day ended on a sweet note. The whole house was woken up around midnight by my older sister calling to tell us that someone had bashed into the back or her and then sped off. Both sisters and my nieces had to take a trip to the hospital as a result. A lot of prayer later we got the news that though they were all banged up they were on their way home to recover. It wasn't until they called later in the day and my Mom could hear that they sounded more like themselves that she recovered. So to lift her spirits I agreed to take Valentine's photos of her and my father. (Anyone who knows my Mom knows she LOVES to have pictures taken.) Once again I had to torture them, but as usual they were good sports. This picture was my favorite.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Day 29 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
Lightning may never strike the same spot twice but snow sure as heck does. Once again we were confined to the house because this time it rained first and that froze over. Then it snowed. "Lucky" for me the wild one wasn't feeling too well so he didn't even put up a fuss about not going anywhere. He did, however, manage to slime me with puke twice in one day. Ahhhhh isn't motherhood glorious.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Day 28 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
So I'm going about my business handling things that need to get done in order for bedtime to run smoothly. I'm laying out pajamas, running bath water, and hunting down the "Going to Bed" book. And suddenly I hear the sound that no mother likes to hear when her child is alone – silence. So as I race to where my son was I try to think how long the silence has been going on. Do I remember hearing the "High and Low" song recently? How much damage has he caused?
Well with maybe about a minute of free time he managed to pull out several of his toys and throw them across the floor and break into a cabinet. The only thing that stopped the path of destruction was the "Party in my Tummy" song that was playing on Nick Jr. Now, how can anyone say that tv is a bad thing?
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Day 28 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
Today I got to hang out with my BFF/Sister from another mother (and father) and her/my son. I was treated to a glimpse of what is in my near future. (Lots of talking, but tons of unsolicited hugs.) We ate lunch and then spent some time walking around a store. Near the end of our trip we started playing a game (that he never wanted to end), so when the game ended he was very upset. Since I managed to leave my memory card at home in the card reader (slaps forehead) I had to whip out my camera phone and capture this shot.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Day 27 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
So it's that time again. Tax time! Love it or hate it, it's here and it won't be ignored. So either you are excitedly ripping open the mailbox or you are dreading collecting the mail. Well this year I have been stalking the mailman waiting for that last document so that I could press the send button. And today it finally showed up. So as soon as I hit "post" on this I'm going to do my civic duty and file my taxes.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Day 26 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
Well my month and a half long break has finally come to an end. My MFA classes have started again and now I have to take pictures for academic reasons. This semester I have to figure out what I will be presenting for my thesis and as of right now I don't even have a clue. But! I am really excited about the two classes I have and I look forward to developing my photography skills beyond where they are now. There is absolutely no substitute for doing what you love! Life is short and there are no do-overs.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Day 25 - Natasha King Photography - Project 365
Ahhhhh bath time. The signal to my Mommy brain that my duties are coming to an end. It is second in greatness only to nap time. (Assuming your kid still takes a nap.) These foam letters are a product of our snow day trip to Target. I also bought about $40 worth of other stuff that seemed absolutely necessary at the time. Note to self: Never go in Target with out a specific list of things to buy.
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