*Warning Pscyho Mommy Moment*
So this my friends is what happens when your husband goes away on business and your child won't go to bed. I spent over an hour being nice Mommy; rocking, patting, and trying to soothe my child to sleep. Every time I thought he was sleep and would try to sneak out, he would sit up in the bed and laugh at me. So after trying everything I knew to get him to got to sleep (while trying to simultaneously prepare my homework to be turned in) I lost it.
I don't even know how the idea hit me, but once it did I had cleaned out his entire room in about 15 seconds. When I was done the only thing left in there was the bed. I then told him Goodnight and closed the door. Of course he cried for a few minutes wanting his toys back, but then he grabbed his stuffed lion, got back in the bed, and went to sleep.
Mommy - 1 Boy - 0
This is too funny! I am still laughing!!!!